I grew up watching my mom stretch and do her leg lifts every evening while my dad watched his crime dramas. Adopting a regular routine was natural for me as I’ve grown older and realized the benefits of regular stretching on my everyday comfort! So you might think I am a regular at my local yoga studio or that I have at least taken a class, but, like so many people, the thought of exercising as a group was intimidating. After all, I can’t stand on my head or do the splits, so a yoga class couldn’t be for me! Well, I am happy to say that a beginner’s class taught by Patty Alvarez at Walter’s Walk certainly proved me wrong.
People around the world have been practicing yoga for more than 5,000 years. The idea of yoga has three tenets: exercise, breathing, and meditation. In fact, the word yoga means “to join or yoke together”. The mind and the body are brought together to improve overall health and encourage healing from everyday stress. If you’ve looked at your local yoga studio or fitness center offerings, you may have noticed a variety of different styles of yoga possibly including hatha, bikram, vinyasa, yin or restorative. Hatha is the basic foundation of all yoga styles and incorporates physical movements and postures, plus breathing techniques. Bikram is also called hot yoga because it is practiced in a 95-105° room which is said to encourage detoxification and flexibility. Vinyasa is similar to hatha because it focuses on breath and movement, but it is a more physically active style. Yin yoga is also known as yoga for the joints as opposed to the muscles. Unlike the other styles, yin is more passive and poses are held for 5 to 20 minutes. Restorative yoga incorporates blocks, blankets and bolsters to support the poses and allow the muscles to fully relax. No matter what your level of fitness or overall goal is, there is a style of yoga for you!
Patty teaches a beginner’s class so the poses were adaptable for all levels. I appreciated the options Patty gave us for each pose so that I could find what felt most comfortable for my body. Calming music and clear instructions definitely enhanced the feelings of relaxation and I felt my anxieties about attending a yoga class decrease and my interest in this ancient practice increase! Sharing such a peaceful, rejuvenating experience with others is another benefit of a regular yoga practice. One that benefits us physically and mentally.
Patty Alvarez offers a weekly class at Walter’s Walk on Tuesdays at 5:30pm. A donation of $7 is suggested, but the class is open to anyone regardless of ability to pay. I hope to see you there!
Source: www.americanyogaassociation.org