Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Is Spiritual Direction for You? Ten points to help you understand this ancient (yet very modern) spiritual practice

By Steve Givens, spiritual director at Walter’s Walk  

Once thought of as largely something for priests, ministers and those in religious life, the practice of spiritual direction (sometimes called spiritual companionship) today is a widely used spiritual practice that has been embraced by those from many different walks of life, religious traditions and denominations. 

By the most simplest of definitions, spiritual direction within the Christian tradition is the act of one Christian helping another along in their spiritual journey by “sacred listening,” that is, by listening with the heart to one person’s story and helping them reflect on it and see how God is moving and acting in their life. It is an act of contemplative prayer for two people who meet together regularly, with one person taking the more active role of listening and questioning. 

Here are ten points I offer for those interested in pursuing the sacred experience of spiritual direction: 

  • Don’t be misled by the term “spiritual director,” for I will not be directing your spiritual journey. But I will accompany you, listen to you, and be a trusted companion as you seek to make your way toward a more mature relationship with God. I won’t generally play the role of teacher for you, but I will work with you to help clarify your questions about God and God’s Church and guide you to resources that might begin to answer them for you. 

  • Generally, spiritual directors choose this ministry not because they have it all figured out but rather because they sense a deep calling to walk with others as they move toward a closer relationship with God, even as they continue to do the same. And while I may from time to time share a small piece of my own story with you, it won’t be because I think I have all the answers. Rather, it will be to remind you that we are kindred spirits, companions on a journey toward God. 

  • I believe there are always three persons present when we meet, with God occupying the third and unseen chair in the room. I will pay close attention to what resonates in me as you speak, for that, I believe, is the movement and nudging of God. I believe God leads our time together. 

  • I will respect and never doubt or try to explain (or explain away) your experiences of God or God’s movement in your life, but I will always try to help you describe and understand them on a deeper level. I will try to guide you toward a mature, more intimate understanding of God, who I believe desires a close relationship with you. I will encourage you to question and look beyond the images and understandings of God that have been ingrained in you over time. 

  • I will encourage your growing awareness of the presence and movement of God in all aspects of your life, for all the facets and parts of your life show signs of God’s presence and are therefore “grist for the mill” of our time together. 

  • I will always pay close attention to what you say, for your story is sacred to you and therefore to me. I will listen far more than I will talk, and I will gently push you to dig deeper, explore further, describe more fully and remember with more detail your experiences of God. I will remain open to -- and listen and watch for -- the signs of God’s movement in your life and encourage you to do the same.  

  • Wherever we meet, I will seek to create a space that reflects the importance of this sacred conversation and time in which we are engaged. I promise to ensure the confidentiality of everything we discuss and of the very fact that we meet. 

  • I will guide you to discern for yourself what your story and your desires mean and what is God’s purpose for you and your life. I will help you explore what things in your life are “of God” or “not of God,” but I will never tell you what I think the answers are, for this is your gift to discover. Your experiences of God will never be the same as mine. 

  • I will pray for you, before, during and after our time together. I am open to praying with you during our meeting, if you desire. But please know that I believe that our time together -- both our words and our silences -- is, in fact, prayer.

  • I believe, as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin once wrote, in the “slow work of God,” and will encourage you to nurture a willingness to open yourself to a life of awareness and paying close attention as you wait patiently for God’s response to your life of prayer. I know from my own experience that this is not easy work, but I am here to walk with you. 

For more information on spiritual direction, visit the website of Spiritual Directors International,, which includes a guide for finding the right spiritual director for you. If you wish to contact me for more information or to inquire about seeking spiritual direction, email me at  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Welcome to Walter's Walk

                     The counseling offices at 737 Dunn Road, Hazelwood, MO is the home to at least 20 mental health counselors, massage therapists, yoga and tai chi instructors and a spiritual director. All of these professionals have their own private practices. We all have seen people lose their insurance, jobs or have increased stress and could not afford counseling. Research has proven that people hold stress in their bodies and identified massage and other mind-body techniques that help reduce stress. All the professionals in our building have committed to provide at least 10% of their office time supporting just these people.

                  In 2010, Walter’s Walk was founded. It is a non-profit organization that promotes psychological and emotional wellness through a team of dedicated and qualified professionals. Quality care is provided to children and adults regardless of the ability to pay. Our vision is that Walter’s Walk will provide psychological and emotional support to each and every individual in the greater St. Louis area who comes to us.
                  We also provide training (internships) for students in their Master’s Degree programs for counseling from local universities.  Once students graduate, we provide supervision for licensure hours for the state of Missouri.
                  Classes and workshops are provided for private clients, Walter’s Walk clients, and non-clients who are interested in self-improvement. Some of the classes are supportive, such as the Bipolar support and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) support groups that meet monthly.  We hold couple and individual communication classes created by Interpersonal Communication (IPC). Visit their web site at We have a new “walk and talk” class starting in May. See our web site for monthly class lists.  All clients and non-clients are welcome.

                  Each year we sponsor “A Day Away” for women. This six hour day is filled with classes designed just for women. This year's event will be held on April 26.  

                 Walter’s Walk has held fundraising events since its  inception, including our six Coffee House Concerts each year in the fall and spring where local musicians perform in intimate evenings of song and story. On September 6, 2014, we will hold our annual Silent Auction at the September Coffee House Concert. Other fundraising opportunities can be found on our web site.

                  We invite you to visit our facility and participate in our workshops and classes.This blog will be updated weekly, and we will share with you information on mental health and mind body connections.

Jean Moretto, PhD, LPC
Founder and Executive Director of Walter’s Walk